Global Missions

Rocky Mountain Church

GOING into all the World!

19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

 Matthew 28:19-20

Myanmar Orphanage Mission

Rocky’s Global Missions strategy continues to focus on the Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist worlds and the unreached peoples therein. With COVID in the rear-view mirror and global tensions rising, the harvest fields are white! Our own member missionaries are again traveling in person to Vietnam, Central Asia, Kenya, Egypt, Uganda and Albania as well as virtually to Mongolia and Myanmar. Rocky’s missionaries are planting churches in Bangladesh and opening Christian book exhibits at International book fairs in Saudi Arabia and Oman! Gospel ministry by regular Rocky-supported missionaries in Slovenia, France, Hong Kong, Middle East and Holland all continue to report huge responses in the current global crises. The Marakanam Good Shepherd School in Tamil Nadu (South India) for Dalit children faces an uncertain future and is the focus for prayer.

As God has blessed Rocky through the COVID pandemic, we have once again been able to step up our support with amazing results. For the 2022-23 fiscal year, the approved Global Missions budget totaled 9.6% of budget. Generous giving by Rocky members to approved off-budget projects including the school as well as a budget transfer by the elders to Global Missions increased overall global missions’ outreach to 11.4% of budget.

In 2022 the Global Missions Team created a new Domestic Missions item in the missions budget to include: (1) Cru VALOR, a ministry discipling young Reserve Officer Training Corps cadets on US college campuses, and (2) Village Missions’ work in rural America. Both are currently served by Rocky members, the former in northern California and the latter in Blue Mound KS.

The Global Missions Team is open to any Rocky member/attender with a heart for, or even a curiosity about, what God is doing in the world to prepare it for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.  For additional information, please contact Neil Woodley at

Vietnam Mission
Egypt Mission